The Adult Recognition Awards for especially good service to the Scout Association of Maldives are made annually to Members and Supporters who have given valuable service over a considerable period of time.
Distinguished Service Awards
The Distinguished Service Award is an award granted by the Scout Association of Maldives and is conferred to Adult Leaders who have served the Association with utmost distinction and whose contributions have made a crucial and outstanding impact for the Scout movement.

The Certificate of Merit, a dark blue colour knot (cloth patch) is awarded to the Adult Leaders with good service to the Scout Association for a period of at least for 3 – 4 years.

Bronze Coconut
The Bronze Coconut, with an orange ribbon is awarded to the Adult leaders with excellent service to the Scout Association for a period of at least for 7 – 9 years.

Silver Coconut
The Silver Coconut, with a green ribbon is awarded to the Adult Leaders with outstanding service to the Scout Association for a period of at least for 12 years.

Gold Coconut
The Gold Coconut, with a purple ribbon is awarded to the Adult Leaders with distinguished service to the Scout Association for a period of at least 17 years.

Bronze Tuna
The Bronze Tuna, with a red ribbon is awarded to the Adult leaders who have sustained and exceptional service to the Scout Association for a period of at least for 20 years.

Silver Tuna
The Silver Tuna, with a green, white & red vertically patterned ribbon is awarded to the Adult leaders with eminent achievements and meritorious service to the Scout Association for a period of at least for 20 years.
Long Service Awards
The Long Service Award (cloth patch – knot) is awarded to Uniform Adults in Scouting who have given valuable service to Maldivian Scouting. The period of service can be counted as consecutive or cumulative. The Award is allocated at 5 years interval: (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 years.)

Gallantry Award
The Gallantry Medal is conferred to Scouts or Adult leaders who have displayed heroic effort or placed themselves at great personal risks in rescuing another person from danger.

Bronze Crescent
The Bronze Crescent, with a brown ribbon, is awarded for gallantry in circumstance of moderate risk.

Silver Crescent
The Silver Crescent, with a dark blue ribbon, is awarded for gallantry in circumstance of considerable amount of risk.

Gold Crescent
The Gold Crescent, with a green, white & red vertically patterned ribbon, is awarded for gallantry in circumstance of special heroism or action in the face of extraordinary risk.