Our members Ms. Aishath Ahlam, Mr. Mohamed Fauzoon and Mr. Mohamed Iujaaz Yazeed participated in the APR sub-committee induction, orientation and sub-committee meetings held from 18-24th May 2022 in Philippines Scout Centre Mount Making.
The Asia-Pacific Regional sub-committee induction and orientation is conducted by the Asia Pacific Regional Support Centre of the World Scout Bureau before the official meetings of the sub-committees start. New members were appointed by the regional scout committee for the term 2022-2025.
Maldivian Scout leader and APR regional scout committee member, Ms. Aishath Ahlam is the advisor to the youth engagement sub-committee. The APR Regional Youth Representative and Maldivian scout leader Mohamed Iujaaz Yazeed is a member of the Youth engagement sub-committee.
International Commissioner Mr. Mohamed Fauzoon is a member of educational method sub-committee.
During his visit to Philippines, International Commissioner Mr. Fauzoon has presented token of appreciation on behalf of the scout association of Maldives to the Asia pacific Regional Support Centre and to the Boy Scouts of Philippines recognizing and appreciating their support for the scouting in Maldives