Cub Scouting is where the adventure begins. Pack life introduces young kids aged 8 – 12 years to the largest youth educational movement in the world. In their Sixes they explore different developmental activities with plentiful learning opportunities in a young age, through Pack outings and Pack holidays they experience the outdoors and learn creativity and skills.
Membership Award
Each Cub Scout needs to complete the membership award in-order to start their Cub Scout Programme.
This Award should be Completed within 1 Month.
Bronze Arrow
This Award is for Cubs between the ages 8 to 9 Years.
Silver Arrow
This Award is for Cubs between the ages 9 to 10 Years.
Cubs attending this badge should have completed the Bronze Arrow or be atleast 9 years and have completed the Membership Award.
Gold Arrow
This Award is for Cubs between the ages 10 to 11 Years.
Cubs attending this badge should have completed the Silver Arrow or be atleast 10 years and have completed the Membership Award.