Pre-cub Section is developed keeping in mind the following characteristics children in their early childhood, 5 to 8 years: Egocentrism, Shorter attention span, Photographic memory, Imagination, Communication, straight forward, Judgement, Temperament, Curiosity, Play. Along the way, make some wonderful new friends and create unforgettable experiences!

Membership Award
Each Pre-Cub needs to complete the membership award in-order to start their Pre-Cub Programme.
This Award should be Completed within 1 Month.

Silver Steps
Pre-Cubs who go to UKG and / or between the ages 5 – 6 can work on this stage once they complete their Membership Award and take their Pre-Cub Pledge.
Focus Area Badges


Beliefs and Attitudes

Health and Wellbeing

Environment and Outdoors


Gold Steps
Pre-Cubs who go to UKG and / or between the ages 5 – 6 can work on this stage once they complete their Membership Award and take their Pre-Cub Pledge.
Focus Area Badges


Beliefs and Attitudes

Health and Wellbeing

Environment and Outdoors