I am Maeed Zahir, a 33-year-old Scout Leader from the Maldives – the sunny side of life. Picture this: white sand, crystal-clear waters, and a community thriving under the warm embrace of the sun. But beyond the beauty of my surroundings, there’s something truly special that fuels my spirit – Scouting.

For me, Scouting isn’t just a hobby; it’s a profound journey that has sculpted my character and outlook on life. It’s about embracing challenges, fostering values, and igniting the flames of ambition within oneself. The person I am today, is the person scouting has helped shape.

A perpetual student of life, I embody a relentless commitment to learning and growth. Every challenge is a chance to evolve, every setback a stepping stone to success. And through it all, I stand as a humble team player, infusing optimism and patience into the fabric of collaboration.

I am fueled by excitement and passion, pouring them into everything I do. With experience and a strong sense of duty, I lead teams to reach impressive goals. My focus areas in Scouting are Education Methods and Environmental Sustainability. These are areas where I bring expertise and experience. 

Besides Scouting, I am an Environment and Climate Resilience Advocate working in the Maldivian Civil Society. In this journey called life, I am ready to contribute, to face challenges head-on, and to inspire others to join me in crafting a brighter, more impactful future. After all, it’s not just about the destination; it’s about the adventure along the way.